Sunday, October 26, 2008

Dear Bang!Bang! Eche

Dear B!B!E!

We stalk you. Wait, that doesn’t sound friendly. We don't really stalk you, but we have been to 87% of your Christchurch shows. We can’t afford it when you go to fancy places, not to say that Christchurch isn’t fancy. You probably have met us; because of our tendency to come 1-2 hours early to each gig and generally act strangely once we get there. Plus, we were at your first gig. Or, what we like to think was your first gig. That’s love. Also, we know the original words to Nikee and sing them along whenever you play it because they are kind of superior whatever anyone else says. Well! Enough with the flattery, if you considered that flattery, we hear that you will be playing in New York at CMJ08, and there are a number of bands on the list performing that we would love to stalk but lack opportunity to do so! (we promise to still stalk you firstly in our hearts though).
We propose we GO WITH YOU!?!?!?!

Okay, first of all it’s NEW YORK and we know our way around, plus we know our way to a secret sneaker store which is pretty much awesome. Also, we can get you free accommodation. We know people. Also, T'Nealle is somewhat small sized so she WILL get mugged. We can prevent this. We will also shout you kebabs or something when there, and pay for our own air fares and fees and some of yours if we feel like it. We probably wont, but we might. Also, we can cook. Well, Anna can, she makes mean banana chocolate chip muffins which are actually amazing, not gross ones like you might think they sound like. If you do not like banana, she can also make mince. Good mince. Also, we have cameras. Two cameras, $500 nice cameras so we could be your photographers/chef/bodyguard/entertainment ;D. Kidding about the entertainment. But if you get bored we can try and tap dance and probably fall over which would be fun to watch, none of us have much tap dance experience.

Also, Megan knows how to hail a cab. And we own watches so we can make sure you are on time or carry you some juice if you decide you need juice, and juice with pulp is really expensive in american so WE CAN BUY IT FOR YOU!!. Also, as we are from Christchurch we will be a lovely taste of home. We will wear swandrai and those obnoxious katmandhu puffer jackets with crusaders jerseys so you do not miss home. We will even source and purchase Vogels at your request. Also, we can promote you. Ever hear of Charles Greyhatski?
Didn’t think so. You see, he didn’t have us promoting for him, now nobody knows he exists. Not even his mother. Seriously, try googling him, you’ll get nothing.

Think about it.
Yours truly,
Anna Lucia and Megan Eloise.

1 comment:

sleep500 said...

We found out about this when we were in New York.