Sunday, October 26, 2008


imagine a wall of televisions turned up on high color, high volume so its cdeafening and your ears are ringing and your eyes burn lobster because of the colors so that when you close your eyes you can see spots of light and imagine thai dancers who you aren't sure if they are actually people or if they are thai or vietnamese and the world spins and you are surrounded by hummingbirds that are actually needles and people are actually clouds and theres a beating heart noise like when you get swallowed by silence and its like being deep underwater and you can hear a heart and see all the colors and youre spinning round and around and bombs filled with retina are exploding with colors and you feel like youre high or made of little bits of sellotape and thats why you start shaking and psychadellic noise is making you confused in the background and to the left its all one color and you don't know if you should go there because it might be confusingly simple and you let yourself be swallowed by music you cant really hear and then you are gone.

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