Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bang Bang, Shoot Shoot?


1. Smart design.

And I don't mean fridges that beep when you touch them while simultaneously saving 6 rare pink fairy armadillos with smart energy, or insert apple product here.

2. Music.

Music can make everyone happy. Candyland, by CocoRosie helps me to dream and A Minor Incident, by Badly Drawn Boy is like a really good meatloaf and a cup of milk.

4. Spending Money

Why? The blood rush, the thrill of a new thing, the building up of self worth based on posessions and cost. I would spend money on these Marlène cloth suitcases in a second.

4. Sarcasm.

Although none of this has been. Maybe the meatloaf bit, i've never had a really good meatloaf.